The Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion assists the priest of our parish by carrying Holy Communion to Catholics who are ill, homebound or in care facilities. The Minister's visit provides the sick or homebound person with an important link - perhaps the only link - with his/her Church and fellow parishioners.
Because of the great responsibility of carrying the Blessed Sacrament outside the Church, Ministry to the Sick is performed only by confirmed, practicing Catholics who understand the sacredness of their undertaking. This awareness shows in their manner, their attitude toward those with whom they come into contact, their personal preparation and their devotion to the Blessed Sacrament.
Ministry to the Sick is a gift both to the patient, for whom the Ministers represent the love of Christ and community, and to the Ministers themselves, who have the opportunity to care for God's beloved children.
If you are interested in participating on this Ministry, please call the Parish Office.